Soon we will have a whole bunch of comics, and you will appreciate how simple and quick to load this page is.
- 5-30-03 If it don't ring up...
- 6-8-03 Batteries?
- 6-16-03 Instant pocket translator.
- 6-17-03 Stay in line!
- 6-27-03 Isaac the sidekick?
- 7-7-03 Nathan!!
- 7-21-03 Mmmm, Boobs.
- 8-01-03 Hurry, lady, move it.
- 8-02-03 Super Macho Donkey Wrestlers!!!!
- 8-07-03 I quit! Wait... ok yeah.
- 8-09-03 Hey Jarrod, what's up?
- 8-14-03 No taco for you!
- 8-21-03 Vacation? What's that?
- 9-02-03 Guests strip? That's indecent!
- 9-07-03 I don't think you're seeing what you think you're seeing.
- 9-17-03 Ultra megra supra anime fighta!
- 9-19-03 See, if Jarrod has JB's namebadge and he clocks in and... yeah.
- 10-16-03 Look they only take up the bottom half of the panel, that's funny.
- 11-02-03 Man I look pretty badass... oh crap nevermind.
- 12-02-03 This isn't the rabbit you're looking for... Doc.
- 01-11-04 More customer abuse.
- 01-12-04 This is Jas.. I mean... uh.. Ninja Roboto Nosferatu!
- 01-14-04 Supra Nin-JA! roboto now with Massacre action!!! WOW!!
- 01-15-04 Yallcombacknowyahea! Silly banjo bunnies.
- 01-20-04 Feces-arr-arr-E.
- 01-23-04 You can see it from space, I swear.
- 01-26-04 M$ P41NT
- 01-28-04 Robot? Too much work, just train a monkey.
- 01-29-04 $5 Trip!
- 02-02-04 Super Bowl funday.
- 02-06-04 Dick Headly pops back up.